Nurturing Solutions for Moms of Tots

Are you a toddler mama struggling with yelling and getting triggered? 

Download the FREE email series Beyond Triggers: Transforming tension into connection.
4-pillar journey to diffuse triggers, tantrums and be the mom you always wanted to be.


Do you find yourself in the RED ZONE? Do you often get triggered by your child’s actions despite trying to parent “Gently, Positively or Mindfully”? Don’t beat yourself up. You are Not a bad mom. You are Not the problem. You ARE the SOLUTION.i

What if you could...

React less and connect more? Get effective tools for day-to-day or chronic stress? Feel confident while supporting your child during tantrums? Nurture your inner child? Gently break the cycle of stress and intra-generational trauma? Set your child on a path toward a happy and fulfilling life. 

Motherhood with Awe

Raising little ones is tough. But it can also present an opportunity for our growth and healing. I feel Toddlerhood is a chance for us to restart and re-evaluate the relationship with self and others. Maybe we can borrow the fresh eyes and hearts of our little mighty explorers to see the world with awe, joy and a sense of opportunity just like they do. 

Are you a toddler mama struggling with yelling and getting triggered? 

Download the FREE email series Beyond Triggers: Transforming tension into connection.
4-pillar journey to diffuse triggers, tantrums and be the mom you always wanted to be.

Hi, My Name is Klara Sedlacek.

I am passionate about helping fellow moms of toddlers transform tension into connection with clinically proven mind-body tools and strategies. I am trauma-informed, emotional wellness coach and a certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

Maureen Nelson

Jennifer and raquel

Diana Chang, mom of 2

“Klara helped me to get some clarity and peace about the tension and conflict I felt about my son’s bedtime. I was triggered by my own experience as a child and could not get out of feeling like I am  failing him, working so hard on staying calm. I was able to get a closure with my parents and experience my own pen-up feelings from my childhood.”

– Natalie W.

“Klara was a fantastic guest on the 360 Women’s Radio and provided so much insight on stresses of parenting and intergenarational trauma and healing from it. 


– Lori Carresse


Beyond Triggers into Wholeness and Connection

6-week virtual signature coaching retreat to help you move from reacting into connecting.


Weekly 1-1 coaching focused on releasing emotional baggage, triggers, trauma and nurturing your inner child

1) Nurture the now:

  • Tools and strategies to bring more calm into your day, making sure your cup is full
  • Tools to deal with acute triggers, stress and anxiety

2) Release the triggers, release the past

  • Releasing the triggers by gently nurturing the inner child
  • Releasing the aftermath of unmet needs, not feeling emotionally validated and trauma
  • Healing the generational stress and trauma cycles through powerful mind-body processes that promote understanding of our parents and the times they lived in while keeping the inner child’s feelings true validated 
  • Uncovering the hidden stories and beliefs that dictate how we react and overreact today

3) Nurturing Motherhood:

  • Focusing on our needs as moms first
  • Exploring the resistance of putting ourselves first
  • Changing the beliefs we hold about ourselves, self-worth, value and self-esteem

4) Toddlers from the Heart

  • Mini-course in bite-size videos focusing on mothering toddlers through the nurturing lens of emotional well being, emotional validation and understanding

Additional support

  • Tools for life: Learn Nurturease Emotional Regulation you can use on any emotional loaded situation in your life (small or large)
  • Anxiety, stress and excessive worry calming release exercises
  • Supportive video, audio and playbooks to help you dedicate this 6 weeks to yourself, setting up realistic Self-Nurture routines for you to stick to beyond the retreat


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